University of Pitești, Romania
University of Piteşti (UPIT) is a state university, located in Pitesti (Southern part of Romania, 120 kilometres far from the capital Bucharest). UPIT aims being a dynamic and efficient HE provider in the region. Currently, it is a recipient for approx. 10.000 students from Muntenia region. It has around 700 paid teaching and administrative staff. It consists of 6 different faculties offering Bachelor, Master and Doctor Diplomas (www.upit.ro). Its objectives are to provide high quality educational, training and research services in order to train specialists in different fields and create an intellectual community accredited by national and international quality agencies.
UPIT’s website: www.upit.ro

E&D Knowledge Consulting, Portugal
E&D Knowledge Consulting is a consulting company specialized in the areas of innovation and knowledge management and capacity building for entrepreneurship and innovation. E&D main lines of consulting cover strategies, mentoring and training for:
- Establishing culture for creativity and innovation,
- Development of skills required for innovation and creativity (ideation techniques, critical thinking, collaborative behaviours, innovative mind-set etc.),
- Business models for innovation and innovation of business models,
- Co-creation of innovation and knowledge (mechanisms, tools and strategies for collaborative innovation and knowledge transfer),
- Evaluation and monitoring of innovation abilities and needs for improvements.
E&D Knowledge Consulting provides customized for the needs of each customer solutions in the fields of innovation and entrepreneurship that allow organisations to:
- Maximise performance,
- Increase innovative capacity,
- Diagnose their current market position and growth potential,
- Develop their knowledge base,
- Increase competitiveness and,
- Define sustainable development strategy for companies and other organisations.
In this way, E&D Knowledge Consulting aims to drive social and economic development through nurturing more innovative, skilled and engaged citizens, workers and leaders, and to support the creation and growth of innovation and market leaders. Our activities cover integrated workshops, mentoring and coaching, consulting and projects.
For more information about E&D Knowledge Consulting, please visit ed-knowledgeconsulting.com

Valencia INNO HUB, Spain
Valencia INNO HUB is a Spanish non-profit organization born with the objective of putting together talent and technology and foster employability and entrepreneurship among Valencian community. By mentoring and training INNO HUB supports entrepreneurs, Start-Ups and also individuals from disadvantage groups facing different factors of exclusion: youngsters and adults with educational difficulties, unemployed or migrants.
With this intention, INNOHUB develops many activities to help companies/individuals to reach their objectives:
By offering workshops, training, seminars, and networking related to several topics of interest, especially on management, business development, soft skills, entrepreneurship, business models, innovation, internationalization and financing;
By promoting technologic and innovation cooperation;
By supporting disadvantage groups and wannabe entrepreneurs from different backgrounds, boosting entrepreneurial skills;
By facilitating access to R+D+I Finance;
By providing assistance related carrier guidance.
For more information about INNOHUB, please visit valenciainnohub.com

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Centre For Education And Entrepreneurship Support (CWEP) is an non-governmental organization founded in 2004 by group of entrepreneurs, teachers and social activists from Rzeszów. CWEP cooperates with businesses and educational institutions. Mission of CWEP is to increase the quality of education training at all levels and in all its forms as well as to promote entrepreneurship in order to foster integration of any social group regardless of gender, age and ethnic origin. The aim of the CWEP is to promote and implement the best solutions that serve this purpose. Particularly, the aims are to improve accessibility, quality and efficiency of education of all people, to promote and contribute to adult education, life-long learning, e-learning and the usage of new technologies in education and entrepreneurship. The Association works with many partners from Europe in order to strengthen economic position of enterprises and provides on-line platform for companies.
Website: cwep.eu
“Centre For Education And Entrepreneurship Support” (CWEP) es una organización no gubernamental fundada en 2004 por un grupo de empresarios, profesores y activistas sociales de Rzeszów. CWEP coopera con empresas e instituciones educativas. La misión de CWEP es aumentar la calidad de la formación educativa a todos los niveles y en todas sus formas, así como promover el espíritu empresarial para fomentar la integración de cualquier grupo social, independientemente del género, la edad y el origen étnico. El objetivo del CWEP es promover y aplicar las mejores soluciones que sirvan a este propósito. En particular, los objetivos son mejorar la accesibilidad, la calidad y la eficiencia de la educación de todas las personas, promover y contribuir a la educación de adultos, el aprendizaje permanente, el aprendizaje electrónico y el uso de las nuevas tecnologías en la educación y el espíritu empresarial. La Asociación trabaja con muchos socios de Europa para reforzar la posición económica de las empresas y proporciona una plataforma en línea para las mismas.
Página web: cwep.eu